Wednesday, 13 February 2013


Notes on mass audience regarding media effects on them


Fredric wertham:
he targeted comics and tv, wrote the book seduction of the innocent (1950's) he claimed comics were bad as they easily manipulated young chlidrens innocent mind.

Violence ---> Comics ---> kids

Danger to our kids morality. Seduction to what is repressed and wrong, the slight insight to it seduces  people de to them being curious (kids).
repeatedly exposed to certain things will make you become less sensible
Desensitization - less senstitive in the face of certain messages and losing our sense of morality
"society will never be perfect"

Morale panics:
feeling expressed by individual groups, trying to manipulate media to make them believe certain thigs which seems necessary, audience listen to media.
Video games create moral panic on kids, misleading them due to this exposure. Kids are experimenting games above their age and its easier to access these games. moral panic as a result of the riots

Uses and gratification:
meeting needs of the audience.
sexual gratification

Recepton Theory

Are people passively accepting media texts?

definition: emphasizes the readers reception of a literacy text.

  • focuses on the scope for negotiation and opposition
  • any 'text' is not passively accepted by the audience but interpreted based on their indivudal culture and background and life exp
  • meaning is created within the relationship between the reader and text

What do we interpret from a message?
Stuart halls on social positioning - the meanings of messages are able to be distorted and interpreted different by the audience
messages are encoded with meaning; decoded by audience to mean something

Reception models
Dominant (hegemonic) reading:



Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Investigation into Media Effects theory

Hyperdermic syringe theory

watch how tv ruined your life and also embed the video we did